
Details zum Projekt

Human nature, essence, nature-culture, dehumanization

The current project tries to understand the concept of human nature from a post-essentialist point of view. The nature-culture divide, however, will be defended as here to stay. The project brings together several branches of my research on essentialism, causation, explanation, normalcy, reductionism, complexity, integration and unity of sciences, as well as science and values. There will be a follow-up project under the frame "Contested Categories": Human, Person, Individual. At focus will be issues such as dehumanization, objectification and stereotyping. For news on that project see: http://philosophy.ceu.edu/tophss

Associate Professor


DFG, Sydney Center for the Foundations of Science Pittsburgh Center for Philosophy of Science, Fishbein Center for the History of Science and Medicine, University of Chicago Universität Bielefeld

Menschliche Natur, Essentialismus, Natur-Kultur

Maria Kronfeldner

Maria Kronfeldner

- Forschungsaufsätze - Längerer Forschungsaufenthalt in den USA - Englischsprachige Buchpublikation zum Begriff der menschlichen Natur

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