

Call for Abstracts: ISHPSSB Montréal, Québec, 5-10 July, 2015, Submissions close: 31st January, 2015

The International Society for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology would like to announce an extended deadline for submissions for its 2015 meeting, to be held in Montréal, Québec, 5-10 July, 2015. We are also pleased to let you know of the following keynote speakers for the conference: Sandra Harding (UCLA) and Ford Doolittle (Dalhousie University).

ISHPSSB meetings are known for bringing together scholars in humanities interacting with the life sciences, notably historians, philosophers, and social scientists, but also scientists themselves involved in such life sciences. The submission of organized sessions and individual papers on any topic within the society’s scope is welcome. We also encourage the submission of posters.

Submissions close:  31st January, 2015  EXTENDED DEADLINE

We especially encourage organized session submissions.  The program committee would like to remind you of the new policy of rolling acceptances for organized session submissions; to date, we have accepted more than 75 such submissions.  Our policy here has already benefited those who would like to plan their ISHPSSB travel early, and helps to ensure the timely completion of the overall program for the conference.  While all session types are welcome, only organized sessions will benefit from the rolling acceptance policy.  Please use the ISHPSSB 2015 General Bulletin Board to post ideas for organized sessions and to coordinate with others looking to do so.

As with past meetings, ISHPSSB 2015 aims at facilitating the exchange of research ideas and results across a range of fields, while fostering informal, co-operative exchanges and on-going collaborations among a variety of international scholars. It is our goal to develop a program that will allow maximal interactions, while also giving people the chance to present their ideas to their colleagues.

Please direct any inquiries to ishpssb2015.submissions@gmail.com.

Mark Borrello and Rob Wilson

Co-Chairs of the Program Committee


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